Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's not only about making money

Is starting a business really for the sole purpose of getting rich and be your own boss? Most People seem to subscribe to this basic concept: set up a business - either on the field or on the net, be your own boss, and promptly you are on your way to your first million.

However, a lot of entrepreneurs or businessmen are looking at something more than counting profits when they launch their enterprises. More and more business people are targeting the creation not just wealth but of values as well. Also if this is the kind of business that you're going to love and devote your time. This is the mistake of some people setting up their own businesses. They set up their business but don't have expertise and knowledge for their business, not even love on what they are doing. They just after for the money. Well - on the contrary - of course if you are making good profit out of your business, for sure you're going to love your business. One more thing! Good Entrepreneur knows how to loss money.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

What Does it mean to Invest?

The definition of the word "invest" in dictionary is to commit money in order to gain financial return. Of course in simpler term, spending money to make income.

In reality - why wouldn't you put aside some of your hard earned money to make more money? Though, when it comes to investing, there is one consideration that affects an individual's decision or any person in the world before taking that first move in investing. The concept of "investing" is confusing to a lot of people, but it doesn't have to be. Investing is not the same as saving or trading. And setting goals is important to being a successful investor. Here are some thoughts on what investing is—and isn't.

Investing vs. Saving

A lot of people confuse saving with investing, but they're different. When you put money away in a safe place instead of spending it, that's considered saving. Investing is when you use your savings to buy something you think will earn a decent amount of income and/or go up in value over time.

Taking money from your salary or income from your business and putting it into a money market fund for a new car is saving your money. Putting money into a stock mutual fund to build a retirement nest egg is investing your money.

Now, again there is also a lot of explanation when people say "I'm going to invest in cars or jewelries" and " I'm going to invest in houses or apartments". Yes this are investments but if you going to just label it that way, it will lead you to wrong understanding of investment. Buying cars and jewelries are not investing but if it becomes your hobby and start collecting them and you plan to sell them in the future for higher price then it becomes investment. Of course with regards to cars, buying regular city cars is not really good investment because of price depreciation over years, however if you collect vintage cars or sports car or luxury cars, or you name it, you have the possibility in selling them more than the price you spend. On the other hand, buying houses and apartments - this is investing. But if you just buy and use it and not making income that's not investing. Well properties or real estate appreciates market value over time but it needs proper considerations ( Location, Market, and Development ).

-----more about investing next time-----

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